《小小兵(Minions)》是今年暑假的動畫大片,此片因2010、2013年的電影《神偷奶爸(Despicable Me)》系列票房亮眼,因而所推出的「外傳」,動畫片少不了好萊塢A咖的配音,劇組找來了珊卓‧布拉克(Sandra Bullock)尬一角。此片英文片名Minions取得很妙,minions讓人立刻聯想到與「小」有關的字根mini,例如迷你裙miniskirt、最小值minimum。
進電影院觀賞之前,先來看一下storyline(故事情節):Minions Stuart, Kevin and Bob are recruited by Scarlet Overkill, a supervillain who, alongside her inventor husband Herb, hatches a plot to take over the world.
翻譯:Stuart、Kevin 還有Bob 這三個小小兵,被超級大壞蛋史嘉蕾(Scarlet Overkill)所招募;而史嘉蕾與她的發明家老公赫伯(Herb)策劃要控制這個世界。
光是這句簡短的storyline就可以讓我們學到好多英文,首先recruit是多益測驗的核心字彙,有動詞「招募」與名詞「僱員」之意;在「a supervillain who」中,「a supervillain」是Scarlet的同位語,指的就是史嘉蕾,後面接着who是關係代名詞,修飾「a supervillain」;hatch在此是「策劃」,但是它更常用在「孵、孵出」,例如有名的諺語「Don't count your chickens before they hatch.」,意思是「小雞未孵出之前,先別數有幾隻小雞」,也就是「別太早下定論」。
Minions love their supervillain Sandra Bullock almost as much as they love bananas. The actress and her loyal henchmen hit the yellow carpet at the Minions ' film premiere in London on Thursday. Bullock, 50, lends her voice to the movie as the evil Scarlett Overkill, who recruits a crew of mischievous minions to help her take over the world. The 50-year-old actress looked stunning at the premiere, wearing a silver dress that showed off her arms and legs.
看懂了以上內容,來試試下方多益測驗仿真題:Q: What is suggested about the film Minions?(A) It was directed by Sandra Bullock.(B) Sandra Bullock played a famous role in the world.(C) It has received positive reviews from the critics.(D) It was performed for the first time in London.
解析:本題的正確答案是(D)。題目中的suggest可不是「建議」,而是「暗示、言下之意」。在多益測驗中,意指「暗示、暗指」的字眼還有imply與infer。解題的關鍵字是premiere(首映),因爲報導中提到「hit the yellow carpet at the Minions' film premiere in London on Thursday」,可見是在倫敦第一次上演。
選項(A)錯在文中只提到珊卓‧布拉克是actress(女演員),並未提到由她導演(directed);選項(B)錯在文中只提到珊卓‧布拉克所扮演的Scarlett Overkill在劇中要接管這個世界(take over the world),並未提到珊卓本人在世界上的角色;選項(C)錯在報導中未提影評(review)之事。
Q: Their long-term clients are willing to pay a ______ for the excellent products and services.(A) premiere(B) premium(C) premier(D) premise
選項(A)是本文提到的「首映、首演」;選項(C)是「首相、總理」或是形容詞「首要的」,讀作[prɪˋmjɛr];選項(D)是多益測驗的核心字彙,是「前提」,讀作[ˋprɛmɪs],但其複數型在國際職場與多益測驗中有個特殊的字義是「營業場所」,例如:The consulting firm moved to its new premises last week.(這家顧問公司上週搬至新址。)
這部電影不只是給小孩子看的,許多成人在看了預告片(retailer)之後說「I may be 60 years old but I LOVE the Minions!」(我差不多60歲了,但是我愛死小小兵了!)還有人說「I'm more excited than a child. Looking forward to it.」(我比小孩子還興奮,期待這部電影。)可見《小小兵》的魅力連大人也無法擋。看完之後,快與我們分享你在電影中學到了哪些英文!