

閱讀暖身上臺簡報難,除了一定要預先搭配投影片練習講過,不要忘了身體語言也要預演,它不只是跨文化的表達,也往往影響簡報成敗。幾個身體重點一一演練過,馬上就能展現不一樣的颱風水準。進入本文前想一想,這些動作英文怎麼說:A.漫步 B.傾斜 C.扣緊

When making a presentation, one of the most important things to practice and put into action is your body language. Words can communicate complex ideas, and slides are great for simplifying and illustrating those ideas, but it's the subconscious and subtle messages that our pose gives off that can put across feelings of confidence, passion, and most importantly conviction in what you are saying.

Here are some areas of the body to focus on:


1.The Back

A hunched posture, with the head low and back bent, is always going to give off a submissive and low-energy feeling. Stand with your back straight and your head high, eyes ahead. It will both radiate vitality to your audience, but more importantly make you feel better about what you're saying.


2.The Feet

When standing, keep them roughly shoulder-width apart and firmly planted on the ground. But when you want to punctuate a point, feel free to go for a brief (a)stroll around the room, keeping your attention on the audience without interrupting your speech.


3.The Head

A (b)tilt of the head to the side is both an inviting and submissive pose, but in a presentation this can be used to either punctuate a (often rhetorical) question, or invite an actual answer from the audience. Historically this is because the neck is a vulnerable area, and revealing it shows trust in the other party. When taking questions from the audience, we register this pose as much more open, accepting and friendly than coldly staring someone down.


4.The Hands

Gesturing can be a very personal thing, with every politician of note having their own special move, so for this reason your gestures shouldn't be too choreographed. Keep them natural, and descriptive: indicating size, scale, and generally punctuating points with movements is good, but avoid clearly coded actions like pointing, clicking the fingers or giving a "thumbs up", as these can either appear false or too specific.


Keeping your hands visible if behind a lectern appears more trustworthy, with nothing shady or "under the table". Facing your palms up appears open and positive. Make sure not to (c)clasp your hands in front of you, closing yourself off from the audience, but don't exaggerate too wildly: flailing around onstage will only distract from your message. Keep your gesturing inside an imaginary "box" around your torso (1)so as to keep your audience's attention on you.



Keep your body, face, and attention towards the audience. A presenter reading from the screen is completely pointless and boring to watch. If you do feel the need to check up on your notes, consider using a small monitor for confidence to prompt you at times when you draw a blank. Also, direct your points to specific members of the audience: with individuals we can establish a real connection multiple times over the course of a speech. Use your gaze to (2)reel them in, one by one, and the rest will follow.

