Weightlifter Hsieh Meng-en and Mixed Martial Artist Yu Kai-wen’s Secrets to Success: Confidence and Pragmatism

【◎Written by Chen Ting-fang, Cai Mi-ci ◎Translation by Lin Yu-ciao ◎Photos by Carter】

Weightlifter Hsieh Meng-en(謝孟恩), from Kaohsiung’s Taoyuan District, achieved personal bests this year at the 2024 IWF World Weightlifting Championships(IWF世界舉重錦標賽)in Phuket, Thailand, by lifting 155 kg in the snatch and 200 kg in the clean and jerk. Seen as one of Taiwan’s rising stars, he is currently competing in various events to earn points, aiming to advance to the 2026 Nagoya Asian Games(名古屋亞運)and the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics(洛杉磯奧運).

Weightlifter Hsieh Meng-en(謝孟恩)/Photo by Carter

He believes that weightlifting is different from sports like basketball and volleyball, which involve teammates. “Every day, I only face the barbell and weight plates,” he says. Besides having explosive power and coordination, he emphasizes that having a strong mental focus with clear goals is even more crucial. Only with sufficient confidence can one break through personal limits and achieve progress.

Yu Kai-wen(尤凱文)/Photo by Carter

Mixed martial arts incorporates judo, boxing, sanda, and other martial arts, blending their techniques seamlessly. “I don’t aim for flashy moves or throwing my opponent beautifully; I just need to win,” stresses Caesar. Victory, he asserts, lies not in the elegance of a technique but in its effectiveness and practicality.

Yu Kai-wen(尤凱文)/Photo by Carter

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