困「結冰懸崖」狂滑!她急開「Tinder」配對找單身男 5分鐘後秒得救



國外一名女子海格(Lonia Haeger)先前與兩個朋友,自駕露營車挪威北部偏遠的北角(Nordkapp)旅行時,卻不幸遇上冰暴,被困在結了冰的懸崖邊,而下方就是致命的大海,在求助無門的情況下,他們打開了交友軟體「Tinder」,並且立即配對到離他們最近的人並尋求幫助;5分鐘後,三人收到了附近居民施蒂安(Stian)的聯繫,在其幫助之下脫離困境




The picture to our Tinder rescue (Scroll down to my last post to get to know the story before) While sitting in our camper with the fear that every second the car could slide down the mountain or a car could crash into our camper due to the slippery road, Phil had the weird but actually genius idea to create a tinder account with me and this fluffy cutie Literally 5 minutes later I had a match with @stianlauluten Another 5 minutes later he came up with his Bulldozer and shaped lines in the ice We followed him to the next parking slot and the day after our hero organized tires with spikes! (There wasn’t a mechanic closer than 200km) Now we can continue our road trip to the Lofoten Tusen takk for your help @stianlauluten . @flash_bros_ @kerkamm_campers @hymer @life.of.kurt #snow #norway #roadtrip #tinder @tinder #dog #husky

Lonia Häger(@loniahaeger)分享的貼文 於 PST 2020 年 1月 月 21 日 上午 6:15 張貼