阿金奇奇罹癌病逝…曾遭鐵絲捆綁棄肉場 獲救截四肢暖笑撫慰人


黃金獵犬奇奇(Chi Chi)是一隻特別的治療犬,牠雖然四肢截肢,卻仍用溫暖笑容撫慰人心,甚至因此獲得美國人道協會頒發的「年度英雄犬獎」。然而,奇奇去年3月罹患癌症,努力了11個月後,於今年2月病逝,讓許多人感到相當不捨。(即時接收毛毛軍團訊息!快加寵物雲Line)

奇奇(Chi Chi)小時候南韓時,遭人鐵絲捆綁四肢,套上黑色垃圾袋丟棄在狗肉市場外面,當時牠因傷勢過重瀕臨垂死邊緣經動保組織救援後,四肢截肢才撿回一命。事後,命運多舛的牠被住在美國的伊莉莎白(Elizabeth Howell)領養,並換上新的義肢,過着幸福的生活,還鼓勵了許多人。



We had record rain this week, so it’s been very wet outside. Today, it was finally dry enough for me to take some pictures with my trophies and the medal I received at the Hero Dog Awards. I received a medal and a beautiful glass trophy for being the 2018 Hero Therapy Dog. I received a wood trophy with a hero dog for being the 2018 American Hero Dog. I am so grateful for all of your love and support and for everyone who voted, shared and encouraged their friends and family to vote for me. None of this would have been possible without your unending commitment to vote daily over the past 7 months. It is truly an honor to receive these awards, and I hope that even more people are now positively impacted by my story. Thank you for your continued positive thoughts, healing vibes and prayers for my complete and perfect healing. #nevergiveup #cherisheveryday #loveabundantly #2018AmericanHeroDog @herodogawards @hallmarkchannel @chickensouppets

Chi Chi Rescue Dog(@chichirescuedog)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 10月 月 5 日 下午 12:03 張貼

有着撫慰人心力量的奇奇於2018年被選爲「年度英雄犬」。美國人道協會(American Humane)指出,這個獎項頒發給奇奇,是因爲牠即使曾被人類傷害,卻仍然積極樂觀地活下去,甚至成爲治療犬,將鼓勵了許多人。



Today is the day we’ve been dreading. Chi Chi passed away peacefully and surrounded by love. She was not in pain and did not suffer. Today she is complete in Heaven and we will miss her forever. We love her more than words can express. She changed our lives and positively impacted many people all over the world. We believe she will continue to inspire people for a long time to come. We are grateful for every day we had with her and know that 100 years with her wouldn’t have been enough. One day we will be reunited with her in Heaven. Our family is heartbroken. . #nevergiveup #cherisheveryday #loveabundantly #teamchichi #2018AmericanHeroDog #SuperHeroOfHappiness #grateful #teamMaggie

Chi Chi Rescue Dog(@chichirescuedog)分享的貼文 於 PST 2019 年 2月 月 4 日 上午 10:45 張貼