本站教育訊 魁省移民局公佈的2013年8月1日生效的新移民規則與程序包括如下:
2、 有一個有效的僱主offer。
4、 你已經獲得了臨時居留,而且有資格提交魁省甄選證書的申請者。
1、 通過魁省經驗類別申請的申請者。
2、 提交了有效僱主offer的申請者。
4、 永居工作者提交的其他申請。
1、 在甄選標準中關於法語的衡量標準有改變。在語言知識領域獲得分數要求也有提高。
3、 主申請人在法語寫作上也有要求,分數爲2分。
1、 如果申請人選擇通過一些標準測試來展示法語水平,則現在申請人需達到中高級水平。
2、 如果申請人選擇通過教育資歷來展示法語水平,則申請人必須完成至少三年法語授課的中學或高等教育。
1、 你的申請必須在2013年8月1日至16日之間接收到,而且只能通過平郵的方式。
2、 處理接收到的申請的順序將會按照隨機編號的方式。
3、 你只能遞交一份申請。
1、 法語口語和寫作方面中高級的水平將成爲最低門檻,超出中高級的纔會被計入加分。
2、 新的衡量標準將只適用於主申請人。
1、 法語口語和寫作方面中高級的水平將成爲最低門檻,超出中高級的纔會被計入加分。
2、 新的衡量標準中口語水平將適用於主申請人和配偶,而寫作水平則只適用於主申請人。
加魁省投資移民限額1750個 需抽籤如買彩票
加拿大魁省技術移民名額2萬 申請人法語須達標
Effective August 1, 2013, several changes will be made to the immigration rules and procedures.
New rules have been adopted regarding procedures for the intake and processing of certain applications for a selection certificate submitted by permanent workers, investors, businesspeople and self-employed workers. These new rules will be in effect from August 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014.
The points in the selection grid granted to candidates for language knowledge have also changed.
Lastly, a new list of areas of training will enter into effect as of August 1, 2013.
Please consult the information below to determine if these new rules apply to your situation.1
Permanent workers
Maximum number of applications
The Ministère will accept a maximum of 20,000 new applications for a Certificat de séléction du Québec under the Program for skilled workers, beyond which the applications received will be returned.
This maximum number of applications does not apply to you if:
you submit an application under the Programme de l’expérience québécoise (Québec experience program);
you have a valid employment offer in hand;
Citizenship and Immigration Canada has informed you that it has agreed to process your application for permanent residence in Canada;
you are a temporary resident and eligible to submit an application for a Certificat de sélection du Québec.
Order of priority for processing applications
Effective August 1, 2013, applications will be processed in the following order:
applications from candidates submitted under the Programme de l’expérience québécoise (Québec experience program);
applications from candidates who submit a valid employment offer;
applications from candidates who obtain points under the factor Area of training;
any other application submitted by permanent workers.
Language knowledge
If you submit an application under the Program for skilled workers, be informed that:
the weighting in the selection grid for knowledge of French has changed. The level of knowledge required to obtain points for the factor Language knowledge will be increased;
the advanced intermediate level will become the minimum threshold from which points will be attributed for knowledge of French;
two points may be attributed to the principal applicant for knowledge of written French.
If you submit an application under the Programme de l’expérience québécoise (Québec experience program):
the level of knowledge of oral French will be increased:
If you choose de demonstrate your level of knowledge of French by means of a standardized test, the level required will now be advanced intermediate.
If you choose to demonstrate your level of knowledge of French by means of your education, you must have completed a minimum of three years of secondary or post-secondary studies in French.
Note that henceforth, for students, the application for a Certificat de séléction du Québec must be submitted in the 36 months following completion of the study program.
Areas of training
The 2013 List of areas of training reflects the Québec job market outlook for immigrants.
Maximum number of applications
The Ministère will accept a maximum of 1750 applications for a Certificat de séléction du Québec under the Investor program, with a maximum of 1200 applications per country, exceeding which the applications received will be returned to the candidates.
This maximum number of applications does not apply to you if:
you have an advanced intermediate level of French demonstrated by a standardized test.
New fee schedule
Effective August 1, 2013, you must pay a fee of $10,000 for review of your application for a Certificat de séléction du Québec. Since this fee covers your entire file, family members will not be required to pay additional fees.
Order of priority for processing applications
Your application can be submitted at any time if you have advanced intermediate knowledge of French demonstrated by a standardized test.
Requirements for submitting an application
You must submit your application according to the following requirements:
Your application must be received between August 1 and 16, 2013, by regular mail only.
The order of priority for processing applications received will be determined by random draw.
You can only submit one application.
Businesspeople and self-employed workers
Maximum number of applications
The Ministère will accept a maximum of 500 applications for a Certificat de séléction du Québec under the Businesspeople and Self-employed worker programs, exceeding which the applications received will be returned.
Language knowledge
If you submit an application under the Entrepreneur program:
the advanced intermediate level will become the minimum threshold from which points will be attributed for knowledge of oral and written French;
the new weighting will apply to principal applicants only.
If you submit an application under the Self-employed worker program:
the advanced intermediate level will become the minimum threshold from which points will be attributed for knowledge of oral and written French;
the new weighting will apply to both principal applicants (for oral and written) and spouses (oral only).