「嘴巴只是用來口交」 18歲的她唱出印度女性一生恐懼


印度婦女遭性侵或是民衆種姓制遭凌虐事件層出不窮,出身孟買的18歲女生Aranya Johar日前在舞臺上,用自創歌詞唱出自己的生命經驗,「陰道存在只是爲了被幹、胸部存在只是爲了被吸吮、嘴巴存在只是爲了吹簫」等寫實歌詞,道出了印度女性一生的恐懼。

▲Aranya Johar在臺上唱出印度婦女的恐懼。(圖/翻攝自Aranya Johar IG、Youtube)

▲Aranya Johar 9歲穿着制服時曾被吹口哨。(圖/翻攝自Aranya Johar IG)

Aranya Johar 3月爲了國際婦女節,用自創的歌詞、說唱的方式,年僅18歲的她一一道出自己的生命經驗,「不只是我,我的媽媽姐妹朋友,一旦過了晚上8:30,我們全都得加快腳步」、「不顯露我的乳溝或是我的大腿,不想要被誤會『我想要』,因爲如果我穿得少一點,我不只是在顯露身材,也是在冒險,拿我的童真人生冒險」,每一句歌詞都可以看出印度婦女的恐懼和害怕,影片一出便引起網友熱烈討論。

不少網友大讚Aranya Johar 的勇敢:「有膽識女孩」,也有不少人心疼,直言這是「令人不忍直視的現實」。


The first boy who held my hand第一位牽起我手的男孩

told me boys don't want to hear about vaginas bleeding對我說:男生不會想聽到關於陰道流血的事情

younger me could smell the misogyny我可以聞到厭女症瀰漫的味道

vaginas only meant to be fucked陰道存在只是爲了被幹

breasts only meant to be sucked胸部存在只是爲了被吸吮

mouths only meant to blow嘴巴存在只是爲了吹簫

It's true, I know這是真的,我知道

My waist meant to be compared to an hourglass我的腰應該要纖細如沙漏

My voice only meant to quiver, "Ugh, please, fast"我的聲音應該帶點顫抖地說:喔,拜託,快一點

Yet, I am silenced除此之外,我還應該保持沉默

For all we boil down, is to sexual interaction這一切都歸於性的互動

Not just me, my mother, sister, friends,不只是我,我的媽媽、姐妹、朋友

all quicken their pace post 8:30 in the evening一但過了晚上8:30,我們全都得加快腳步

My mom telling me to wear skirts out less often我媽媽叫我少穿裙子外出

Nirbhaya and more left forgottenNirbhaya還有更多被遺忘的例子

We don't want to be another of India's daughters, do we?我們並不想做另一個《印度的女兒》,不是嗎?

So I wear my jeans long and wear my tops high所以我穿着長牛仔褲高領上衣

Don't show my cleavage or a hint of my thighs不顯露我的乳溝或是我的大腿

Don't want to be mistaken for wanting it不想要被誤會「我想要」

Cause if I wear less, I am more than just flaunting it, I'm risking it因爲如果我穿得少一點,我不只是在顯耀身材,也是在冒險

Risking not my virginity but my life拿我的童真和人生冒險

My hymen seems to be sacred, told to keep it till I am a wife我的處女膜似乎是不可褻瀆的,他們叫我要保留到成爲人妻爲止

If not, I am a whore, a slut, a skank and more如果我沒有的話,我就是一個妓女、一個蕩婦、一個骯髒的人

Not as pure as I was before我將不再是那個純潔的我

15-year-old Laxmi didn't like 32-year-old Guddu back15歲的Laxmi不喜歡32歲的Guddu

and Guddu dealt with it really maturely,Guddu的處理方是真的非常成熟

he made her the victim of an acid attack他把她變成了一個被硫酸攻擊的受害者

Laxmi could be your sister, your girlfriend, your cousinLaxmi可能是你們的姐妹、你們的女友、你們的表姐妹

We're girls, women, human not a burden.我們是女孩、女人,是人類而不是沉重的負擔

I ask my male friend to drop me home because his privilege will protect mine我請我的男性友人載我回家,因爲他的身爲男人優勢能夠保護我的基本人權

I am sorry dad I was catcalled in my uniform at the age of 9爸,我很抱歉,我9歲穿着學校制服時,曾被別人吹口哨

This isn't all men thing I know. Trust me, I do.不是所有男人都這樣,我知道。相信我,我真的明白

But the men I can trust are only a few.但我能相信的男性只佔少數

At the age of 12, my bra straps were sexualised在12歲那年,我的內衣肩帶被視爲性特徵

At the same time, we don't get damn sexual rights同時,我們卻得不到那該死的性權力

My aunt raped by her husband, but marital rape is fine我的阿姨被她丈夫強暴,但他們說夫妻之間的強姦沒關係

Pucker up, it's a mad design, get in line.發脾氣,憤怒的圖謀,一步一步來

So what I am trying to say here tonight is,所以我今晚想試着傳達的是

I am sorry I was brought up in a family where my brother不好意思,我是在這樣的家庭長大

taught me wrong from right我哥哥教導我對與錯

Where my mother believes in our generation to better the world我媽媽相信,我們這個世代會讓世界更好

and make it slightly easier for each and every girl.會讓每個女孩活得更輕鬆一些

Thank you謝謝你們

For I see men in this room這些我在這個空間裡看見的男性

Reaching out for help, realising the bane of the womb伸出手幫忙,試着瞭解身爲女性的「原罪

Being saved by the sane of a few被少數還保持神智清醒的人拯救

We are all collectively reaching out for you.讓我們一起伸出援手
