中菲南海衝突 菲律賓總統小馬可仕:無意挑起戰爭

▲中國海警持斧頭威脅,持刀刺破菲律賓海軍充氣艇。(圖/翻攝自Armed Forces of the Philippines)


菲律賓海軍人員與中國海警近期在南海又發生新衝突,菲律賓宣稱造成一人嚴重受傷,船隻受損。菲律賓總統小馬可仕(Ferdinand Marcos Jr.)23日公開表示,菲律賓不會挑起戰爭將致力於和平解決爭端。



中菲這場最新衝突發生的地點位在南海,當時菲律賓海軍搭乘充氣船前往仁愛暗沙(Second Thomas Shoal)執行補給任務。菲律賓軍方宣稱,中國海警人員攜帶刀具長矛強行登船,奪走槍枝、導航設備等,多名菲律賓海軍人員受傷,其中一人失去拇指。


CCG personnel violently attached ropes to tow the AFP's RHIB while threatening to injure an AFP soldier w/ a pickaxe. They also employed blaring sirens to create chaos, disrupt communication, and divert the attention of AFP troops, exacerbating the hostile & dangerous situation. pic.twitter.com/a8cPaGGH8j

The CCG launched a brutal assault on the AFP personnel aboard an AFP Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB), aggressively ramming it and brandishing bladed and pointed weapons, explicitly threatening to harm AFP troops. pic.twitter.com/LuFgLE3WJj

The CCG swarmed AFP's Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIBs) already moored alongside BRP Sierra Madre (LS57), escalating their aggression by wielding pointed weapons and explicitly threatening to harm Filipino troops. pic.twitter.com/huEPCBXPah