紐時賞析/高溫、洪水來襲⋯極端氣候惹禍 全美橋樑崩塌風險增


Extreme Weather Is Increasing Risk of Collapse for U.S. Bridges

極端氣候惹禍 全美橋樑崩塌風險增

On a 35°C day this summer, New York City’s Third Avenue Bridge, connecting the Bronx and Manhattan, got stuck in the open position for hours. As heat and flooding scorched and scoured the Midwest, a steel railroad bridge connecting Iowa with South Dakota collapsed under surging waters. In Lewiston, Maine, a bridge closed after the pavement buckled from fluctuating temperatures.


America’s bridges, a quarter of which were built before 1960, were already in need of repair. But now, extreme heat and increased flooding linked to climate change are accelerating the disintegration of the nation’s bridges, engineers say, essentially causing them to age prematurely.


The result is a quiet but growing threat to the safe movement of people and goods around the country, and another example of how climate change is reshaping daily life in ways Americans may not realize.


“We have a bridge crisis that is specifically tied to extreme weather events,” said Paul Chinowsky, a professor of civil engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder who researches the effects of climate change on infrastructure. “These are not things that would happen under normal climate circumstances. These are not things that we’ve ever seen at this rate.”


Bridges designed and built decades ago with materials not intended to withstand sharp temperature swings are now rapidly swelling and contracting, leaving them weakened.


“It’s getting so hot that the pieces that hold the concrete and steel, those bridges can literally fall apart like Tinkertoys,” Chinowsky said.


As temperatures reached the highest in recorded history this year, much of the nation’s infrastructure, from highways to runways, has suffered. But bridges face particular risks.


A study in the journal PLOS ONE found that extreme temperatures resulting from climate change could cause 1 in 4 steel bridges in the United States to collapse by 2050. By 2040, failures caused by extreme heat could require widespread bridge repairs and closures, researchers found.

刊載於PLOS ONE期刊的一項研究發現,到2050年,氣候變遷導致的極端氣溫恐讓美國四分之一鋼橋坍塌。研究人員發現,到2040年,極端高溫造成的故障,可能導致廣泛的橋樑維修與封閉。

Studies show that climate change has caused more rapid shifts between extreme heat and cold, said Royce Floyd, a professor of engineering at the University of Oklahoma. Those seesawing temperatures can cause pavement to squeeze from both sides onto a span, forcing the road and steel to buckle or crack, or even pushing steel beams out of alignment, Floyd found.


文/ Coral Davenport  譯/江昱蓁