明月寄深情 | 羅伯特·庫恩:中秋節讓人們思考人生苦樂 機遇與挑戰

美國庫恩基金會主席羅伯特·庫恩寄語中秋佳節時表示,中秋節這一傳統節日提供了很好的機會,讓人們思考傳統、家庭、機遇、挑戰,深刻認識到生活中以及人類面對的喜悅與憂困。他祝福所有朋友們中秋快樂,幸福安康。 (陳天浩 馮爽)

Sending his Mid-Autumn greetings, Robert Kuhn, Chairman of the Kuhn Foundation, said it's really wonderful at different times of the year to reflect on tradition, family, opportunities, challenges and also to seriously recognize the the joys as well as the difficulties in human life and society. He wish all his Chinese friends a very happy and healthy Mid-Autumn Festival.