懶熊開心追食物車 志工心疼:終於看到牠們笑了

▲懶熊們開心追着載有食物貨車。(圖/翻攝自「International Animal Rescue」粉專,下同)


能夠自由奔跑是一件開心的事,英國國際動物救援協會「International Animal Rescue」,日前在臉書PO出一段影片,將近10只懶熊在載有食物的貨車後狂奔,臉上表情卻十分開心,「他們都是被從苦難中救出來的孩子,我們拍到這段影片時都是又驚又喜。」





We can't stop watching this amazing clip which shows the rescued bears at the centre in India chasing after the food delivery truck!It is an amazing sight to see these bears running excited and free towards some yummy treats! Long gone are their days spent at the end of a rope being forced to perform.For more information about our bear rescue project, visit: http://www.internationalanimalrescue.org/dancing-bear-rescueThanks to Dr.Arun (Chief vet at Wildlife SOS) for this great video!

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