8月3日雅思大作文示範寫作 | gap year 工作好還是旅行好


August 5, 2024

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Some students choose to work or travel after leaving school and before going to university. Many people, however, say that working experience is more useful in adult life than travel.Do you agree or disagree with this statement



The concept of a gap year, a sabbatical from formal education, has been a topic of considerable debate among students and educators alike. While some advocate for the experiential enrichment that travel offers, the acquisition of work experience, from my perspective, is a more pragmatic approach.


本次大作文考題是教育類話題,討論Gap year應該做什麼,注意⚠️本題目不是常規問法討論Gap year的好與壞,而是比較討論“work experience ”與“travel”哪個更有用;

❖ sabbatical n.休假

❖ pragmatic adj.講求實際的, 實用主義的;



Body 1

Proponents of the travel-centric gap year argue that it allows students to broaden their horizons and gain a global perspective. However, it is essential to consider the potential drawbacks. Travel, while enriching, may lead to a decline in academic prowess. Students, immersed in the beauty of the natural world, may find it challenging to readjust to the rigors of academic life. The absence of intellectual stimulation can result in a diminished capacity for abstract thinking and problem-solving, a skill set critical for academic success.


◇ 間隔年旅行拓寬學生視野但可能導致學術能力的下降。

❖ proponent n. <正式> 支持者,建議者;

❖ prowess n.英勇;超凡技術;

❖ immersed in 沉浸在某種狀態或活動中

❖ rigor n.嚴密,嚴格

❖ stimulation n.刺激,激勵



Body 2

My stance for work experience during the gap year is unwavering. It not only alleviates financial pressures but also instills a sense of responsibility and independence. For many students, the prospect of contributing to their education costs is a significant motivator. The financial autonomy gained can reduce the need for part-time employment during their academic tenure, allowing for a more focused approach to studies.


◇ 間隔年期間工作不僅減輕了財務壓力,還培養了責任感和獨立性。

❖ unwavering adj.堅定的;不動搖的

❖ alleviate v.減輕,緩和

❖ instill vt.徐徐滴入;逐漸灌輸

❖ motivator n.動力;激勵因素

❖ autonomy n.獨立自主,自主權

❖ tenure n. 任期,任職



Body 3

Moreover, work experience during the gap year can ignite a passion for learning. Internships and entry-level positions provide a platform for students to explore their interests and identify potential career paths. This self-discovery is invaluable, as it can lead to a more informed choice of major, thereby increasing the likelihood of academic excellence and future success.


◇ 間隔年期間的工作經驗可以點燃學習的熱情。

❖ ignite v.點燃,引發,激起

❖ internship n.實習生;實習期;

❖ likelihood n.可能,可能性;



Ending Paragraph

In conclusion, while the gap year offers both travel and work as viable options, the benefits of engaging in employment are more pronounced. It not only eases the financial burden but also enhances the students' academic and professional development. The practical skills and self-awareness gained can propel them towards a more focused and successful academic journey in higher education.


❖ viable adj.可望成功的,切實可行的;

❖ pronounced adj.明顯的,顯著的;

❖ ease v.減輕,緩和;

❖ propel v.推進,驅動;

