6歲暖心妹送倉鼠給哥哥 「最棒禮物」惹哭200萬人

▲兩兄妹感情融洽,暖心互動感動網友。(圖/翻攝自Rachel Stout臉書


年僅6歲的艾比(Abby Stout)看到9歲的哥哥丹尼爾(Daniel Stout)爲了養倉鼠,每天努力做家事、清潔打掃,主動拿出自己生日得到的55美元(約臺幣1832元)給媽媽,買了一隻小倉鼠。丹尼爾收到禮物時,不但留下開心的眼淚,還給了妹妹大大的擁抱,感人畫面獲得262萬網友點擊和近5萬分享。

母親瑞秋(Rachel Stout)表示,哥哥自從妹妹生日得到倉鼠後便也一直想養,爲了得到自己專屬的小寵物,每天努力幫忙家務,沒想到貼心的妹妹竟然拿出自己僅有的零用錢,「我還特地反覆問了艾比很多次,她不但心意堅定,還說我想給辛苦的哥哥一個獎勵」。


▼哥哥收到妹妹的禮物,感動地相擁在一起。(圖/翻攝自Rachel Stout臉書)

So ever since Abby got her hamster Daniel had been busting his butt doing extra chores and going above and beyond to earn money to buy himself one. We added up Abigail's birthday money and gift cards and she had $55 total. I asked her what she wanted to do with her money and she says, "I want to surprise Daniel and buy him his hamster. He has been working soooo hard." I asked her numerous times of she was sure that's what she wanted to do with her money and she never faltered. Daniel went over to a friend's house to have a sleepover and we took Abby to pet smart where she asked for the exact hamster Daniel said he wanted, held it to make sure it was nice and excitedly told the woman all about how she was surprising her brother. We got it home, set it up and she she couldn't wait for him to get home from his sleep over so he could be surprised and meet and name his hamster. This is the video of him meeting "Cubby." Daniel Stout